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Going global: Should firms build beyond their borders or shore up business at home?

Expanding to new markets offers many opportunities, including helping to grow revenue streams, increase staffing opportunities and facilitate strategic acquisitions.   Professional services as a whole are in an exciting period of growth on an international scale, with several notable partnerships and expansion. For example, UK top-60 law firm Taylor Rose MW chose to partner with […]

Moving from CFO to CEO: 5 tips for the top job

Lateral hires support succession and a CFO is often uniquely placed to step up as CEO Making the jump can minimise business disruption, retain business knowledge and leverage relationships Team trust, an ability to influence and broad business knowledge can ready a CFO for the top job In a dynamic talent market it’s more important […]

Gail Murphy-Nakkash

As the inaugural CEO of Pitcher Partners Adelaide, Gail assumed her position in 2021, tasked with spearheading firm growth, transformation and fostering capabilities. Her appointment to this newly created leadership role underscores her strategic vision and commitment to driving organisational success. Gail’s people centric leadership approach allows for a collaborative and connected workplace where everyone […]

Karen Frenkiel

Karen is a Senior Manager in the People & Change team that sits within the Outsourced Finance function within the Business Advisory & Assurance division of Pitcher Partners Melbourne. Karen has worked in a variety of HR roles for significant Australian organisations, gaining in-depth experience across a broad range of HR focus areas. This experience […]

How to create a strong Employee Value Proposition

Creating a strong Employee Value Proposition (EVP) should be a core focus for business leaders and owners. People aren’t as interested in climbing a ’career ladder’, instead opting to move around a ‘career lattice’ that offers a wide breadth of experiences. Building a strong EVP will start with understanding and listening to your people.

Using social recruitment to attract top talent and achieve your recruitment strategy

Key points Social recruitment involves strategically using your online and offline channels to attract more applicants for each role and have a better chance of attracting and retaining top talent. Candidates are more informed than ever due to the amount of information available online. Building a strong presence online requires ongoing commitment across your organisation, […]

What workplace flexibility means today and how to get the balance right

The pandemic supercharged flexibility in the workplace, so what now? People expect more flexibility from workplaces today, and companies that don’t have a formalised flexible workplace policy could miss out on attracting and retaining top talent. Companies should consider the flexible work solutions they can implement to address their people’s needs.

Lirize Loots

Lirize is a Client Director in our Tax Advisory division with over 15 years of experience. She has experience working as a transfer pricing specialist, where she worked closely and collaboratively with the client teams across various areas of the business, to help clients proactively manage their transfer pricing risk and reporting obligations. Lirize joined […]

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