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Social responsibility

Care is at the heart of our culture. Care for our people, our clients and our community.
Having a positive impact

We know we couldn’t do what we do without our people. And we also know that ‘our people’ extends beyond our staff. It includes our clients and the communities they help and are invested in. And we’re committing to helping our people make an impact. For us, that looks like supporting initiatives that care for the people, places, and communities close to our hearts. 

Committed to making a difference

Care for our community

We can’t do what we do, without connecting with our community and working together to drive positive change. We’re big picture thinkers, and we know that means building an impact strategy that’s big picture too. One that puts care at the centre, helping good people to keep doing what they do and achieving great outcomes for the community.

Care for our clients

The expertise of our people can make a real difference. As do NFPs and community programs. So we offer our advice free, or at heavily discounted rates, to support not-for-profit organisations within our community. Because when you support your community, everyone profits. 

Care for our people

Diversity, equity and inclusion aren’t just a HR tick box. For us, diversity is a key part of building a firm that represents the community we serve. And we know that’s more than your typical accountant. We’re committed to a culture that welcomes people from all walks of life, and that makes space for unique perspectives. We’re a team with heart, who support each other and foster relationships that nurture and empower every individual. 

Care in action

Offering our expertise is helpful, but so is actually helping. Beyond financial support our people donate goods and services to community groups and are encouraged to roll up their sleeves and pitch in with a helping hand when they can.

Care for our environment

There’s a lot of talk about making an impact, but sometimes less is more. Especially when it comes to environmental impact. Across our firms, we make conscious choices to minimise our office waste, and in how we manage our natural resources such as water, energy and paper. 

Giving back to the community

Pitcher Partners |

Volunteering time

Lending a helping hand
Pitcher Partners |

Fund raising

Raising much-needed funds for positive causes
Pitcher Partners |

Pro bono work

Extending our expertise
Pitcher Partners |

Awareness and engagement

Driving the conversation and inspiring action
Pitcher Partners |

Donating goods

Delivering supplies and essentials to those in need
Pitcher Partners |

Financial support

Sharing our valuable resources

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