In this interview, Partner Michael Sonego from Pitcher Partners Melbourne talks to ausbiz on why the best is yet to come for dealmakers in the market, with many seeing at least another year, maybe more before M&A activity hits its peak.
Michael talks about some preliminary findings from the Pitcher Partners Dealmakers survey, which found nearly half of respondents expecting to see the top of the market in another 12-24 months, with nearly a third expecting record activity to continue for more than two years.
Michael says the takeaway message is ‘brace yourselves’. He says the expectations and increased demand for M&A is literally coming from anywhere, you can’t pinpoint it. And as the borders re-open he says we are going to see a lot more cross-border deals being done and plenty of capital will flow through to the ASX.
Watch this video to find out why Michael thinks Australia is an incredibly attractive market for even more deals in the year ahead.
The Pitcher Partners Dealmakers report findings will be released in February. You can visit our Dealmakers hub to find out more about the most recent report findings here.