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Mazlee Junid

The Corporate Finance lead for Pitcher Partners Perth, Mazlee is a well-rounded professional with an impressive career. He has more than 25 years of experience advising clients across deal advisory, mergers & acquisitions, investment analysis, private equity investing, accounting and compliance auditing. Able to apply an international lens, he also has experience in real estate […]

Selling your business and common mistakes to avoid

Selling a business takes a lot of preparation and successful transactions often require years of planning and careful consideration. There are several mistakes that business owners should be aware of when considering selling their business, to increase their chances of a successful transaction. Who’s in charge now Some of the first questions buyers ask is: […]

Elena Bogomolova

Elena is a Client Director in the Tax Consulting division of Pitcher Partners Melbourne. She has been advising in relation to employment taxes in a broad range of compliance and advisory matters. Prior to joining Pitcher Partners in 2015, Elena worked at a Big Four accounting firm obtaining extensive experience in the Employment Taxes and […]

Ellen Fimmano

Ellen is a Client Director in our Tax Advisory group with over 12 years of experience in providing taxation advisory and compliance services to privately-owned, listed and multinational businesses. Ellen has broad experience in advising businesses on a variety of commercial and taxation matters in relation to structuring, restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, global expansion and […]

Deal Pulse: Queensland M&A 2024

Pitcher Partners is pleased to present Deal Pulse for its tenth year, with our “Resourceful” report highlighting Queensland merger and acquisition (M&A) activity for the calendar year 2023. Queensland M&A has remained remarkably “Resourceful” during 2023 and a globally reducing deal environment. Overall, the 10th annual Queensland Deal Pulse report saw: Volumes – 250 deals […]

Mid-market primed for deals in 2024 as valuation gap narrows

Four out of five corporate dealmakers believe Australia’s mid-market investment opportunities are better than those in other regional and global markets, amid a boom in confidence for mergers and acquisitions in 2024. The latest Pitcher Partners’ Dealmakers Australia Mid-market M&A Outlook 2024 reveals twice as many dealmakers expect a significant increase in deals valued between […]

Australia fertile M&A ground in 2024 as deals pick up pace

Australia is primed to be centre stage for the corporate dealmaking world in 2024, with a unanimous verdict that it will have the strongest economy compared to its Southeast Asian neighbours. Almost every respondent to Pitcher Partners’ Dealmakers Australia Mid-market M&A Outlook 2024 indicated that they were searching for deal opportunities in Australia over other […]

Lirize Loots

Lirize is a Client Director in our Tax Advisory division with over 15 years of experience. She has experience working as a transfer pricing specialist, where she worked closely and collaboratively with the client teams across various areas of the business, to help clients proactively manage their transfer pricing risk and reporting obligations. Lirize joined […]

Fuel costs have only begun to spiral

Merger and acquisition (M&A) values in Australia were up 13% in the six months to June 2023 to AU$64.8bn, compared to the same period in 2022, while global deal values dropped 35%. Energy, mining and utilities (EMU) was the top sector in the first half of 2023, accounting for 78% of deal values and 20% of deal volumes.

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