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Ventura Caso

Ventura is a corporate finance professional, with experience in valuation, business modelling, M&A and other corporate finance engagements in both Australia and Italy. Ventura has extensive experience in valuations, having worked on many engagements assisting clients with tax, accounting, transactional and financial strategy advice. He has supported clients in a broad range of industries including […]

Merger reforms won’t boost competition

The new Federal Government rules will disproportionately affect the middle market, potentially strengthening big business. The rewriting of the merger rules will impact the exit options of private mid-sized businesses that have often been built from the ground up by family entrepreneurs. Under the new rules, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission will oversee planned […]

Deal Pulse: Queensland M&A 2024

Pitcher Partners is pleased to present Deal Pulse for its tenth year, with our “Resourceful” report highlighting Queensland merger and acquisition (M&A) activity for the calendar year 2023. Queensland M&A has remained remarkably “Resourceful” during 2023 and a globally reducing deal environment. Overall, the 10th annual Queensland Deal Pulse report saw: Volumes – 250 deals […]

Revving the deal engine: Why M&A could hit the accelerator in 2024

When the mergers and acquisitions (M&A) market stalls — as it seemed to do last year — there is a tendency to focus on the negatives of tough economic conditions, low risk appetite and rising interest rates. But Pitcher Partners’ Dealmakers survey shows the Australian M&A market is about to go up a few gears in 2024. […]

Mid-market primed for deals in 2024 as valuation gap narrows

Four out of five corporate dealmakers believe Australia’s mid-market investment opportunities are better than those in other regional and global markets, amid a boom in confidence for mergers and acquisitions in 2024. The latest Pitcher Partners’ Dealmakers Australia Mid-market M&A Outlook 2024 reveals twice as many dealmakers expect a significant increase in deals valued between […]

Australia fertile M&A ground in 2024 as deals pick up pace

Australia is primed to be centre stage for the corporate dealmaking world in 2024, with a unanimous verdict that it will have the strongest economy compared to its Southeast Asian neighbours. Almost every respondent to Pitcher Partners’ Dealmakers Australia Mid-market M&A Outlook 2024 indicated that they were searching for deal opportunities in Australia over other […]

Growing confidence in industrials amid capital crunch

Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT) companies have long been the darlings of Australian investors and those targeting Australian companies. Australia’s strength in technology development has produced companies such as Atlassian, Afterpay, Canva and countless other success stories, riding the world stage and growing revenue at staggering multiples. But Pitcher Partners’ Dealmakers survey indicates that the sector might not be leading the pack in 2023. 

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