Pitcher Partners Melbourne is pleased to present its third annual Charitable Committee report, detailing the firm’s collective efforts to support the community.
At Pitcher Partners, we believe in making business personal, which means supporting our people, our clients and our communities where we can make the most difference.
As many disadvantaged and vulnerable community members continue to deal with the ongoing impacts of COVID-19, we feel privileged to be in the position where we can still share our skills and resources and offer assistance to those in need.
As we continue our recovery, the Committee is focused on creating more opportunities to deliver even greater community benefits and create real change. We will again be carrying over outstanding community leave available to our people into the new financial year. And we are looking to expand our scholarship program and list of recipient organisations for our fundraising and CSR efforts.
Our collective efforts would not be possible without the tireless and enthusiastic efforts of our people, clients, industry partners and the many not-for-profit organisation and volunteers we worked with throughout the year. We acknowledge and thank you all.