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Scott Whiddett

Scott Whiddett

Partner, Sydney

Scott works with a broad range of clients including large private entities, ASX-listed and international companies. Scott signs off audits and half-year reviews of financial reports for a diverse portfolio of clients, specialising in listed investment companies (LICs) or large private companies seeking growth and a possible exit/succession plan via a stock exchange listing or trade sale.

In addition to his audit activity, Scott provides corporate finance services, where he plans, performs and reports on financial due diligence for acquisitions. In the case of capital raisings, he performs the role of investigating accountant and provides reports on historical and forecast financials for inclusion in prospectuses and offer documents.

Scott’s expertise in planning and implementing M&A strategies is executed with his problem-solving skills and collaborative approach to working with his company owners, management and their advisers (lawyers, brokers, bankers). His ability to collaborate brings a seamless solution and experience.

With a strong focus on service and relationships, Scott’s ability to listen and learn what a client is focussed on or concerned about allows him to provide a commercially astute solution that considers their risks and opportunities.

Scott’s breadth of experience and exposure to a range of entities across many industries and economic cycles has given him the opportunity to see how entities perform and respond. He takes these insights and lessons learnt to every engagement – an advisor in the truest sense.

Scott has been with the Sydney firm since 1998 and joined the partnership in 2001.

Qualifications and memberships

  • Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting
  • Fellow, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
  • Registered Company Auditor

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