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Andrew Clugston

Andrew Clugston

Partner, Melbourne

Andrew specialises in providing business advisory services for private businesses. His experience spans a range of sectors, but over the past decade he has become an expert in navigating the unique issues and regulations faced by privately-owned businesses in the property industry.

Andrew’s role is varied and in addition to attending to his clients Accounting and Taxation requirements also includes arranging capital, managing the banking relationship, establishing joint venture arrangements, and managing off-shore lenders and investors. He has been involved in high-profile projects in Melbourne from inception to completion.

The Global Financial Crisis (GFC) presented Andrew with an opportunity to become heavily involved in this dynamic sector, when developers sought additional expertise to secure finance. With its own set of commercial drivers, and alternative structuring and financing approaches, businesses in property and construction need a specialist who has a deep understanding of the industry in order to maximise opportunities. Today, Andrew relishes playing a role in an industry that forms a core part of the Victorian economy.

With a large number of off-shore clients, including a high proportion in Singapore and Malaysia, Andrew and his fellow colleagues foresaw the value in establishing a dedicated cross-border team to facilitate relationships across the region. The team services Asian clients in a manner that is sensitive to business and cultural differences, and focus on business development in various parts of the region.

Andrew is also a member of both the Pitcher Partners state and national Property industry groups and helps coordinate local and international initiatives that help clients stay informed of industry trends and opportunities.

Andrew joined Pitcher Partners Melbourne as a graduate in 2001. He worked across a number of different specialisations including Accounting and Audit, before homing in on his current area of expertise. He was admitted to the partnership in 2014.

Memberships and qualifications

• Bachelor of Business (Accountancy) (Swinbure University)
• Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia
• Asialink Business Leaders Course (University of Melbourne)

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