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Pitcher Partners advisers make top 100 list

Pitcher Partners advisers make top 100 list

The list of Australia’s top 100 financial advisers was announced this morning, with five Pitcher Partners representatives ranking in the honoured list.

Prepared by US publication Barron’s in collaboration with The Australian, the annual list recognises the country’s best advisers with the mission to “shine a light on the best financial advisers […], thereby improving client care standards in the industry”. The list assesses rank based on criteria including assets, fees, professional credentials, client retention and quality of practice.

This year, the list features Pitcher Partners financial advisers Charlie Viola from Pitcher Partners Sydney (ranked 15), Adam Stanley, Sue Dahn and Kellie Davidson from Pitcher Partners Melbourne (ranked 18, 29 and 35, respectively) and David Lane from Pitcher Partners Brisbane (ranked 75).

List veterans Charlie, Adam and Sue featured previously, last year all ranking in the top five places, while Kellie and David are new entrants to the list.

In response to this year’s recognition Sue Dahn, a partner within Pitcher Partners Melbourne’s Investment Advisory team, said, “I am thrilled to share this accolade with my fellow Melbourne partners with whom I’ve worked so closely over the past 20 years to serve the firm’s clients and build a successful independent investment advisory practice.

While we are honoured by inclusion in the list, there are dozens of others at Pitcher Partners who are integral to the consistent and high-quality service provided to the firm’s clients.

Our practice is proud to have the ongoing trust and support of our loyal clients, many of whom are multi-generations of families who have been with the firm for more than 20 years. There is no better advocate than a happy client.”

​Sydney-based partner and financial adviser Charlie Viola commented “I am delighted and humbled to be named in the list this year. 2020 is perhaps the busiest year in my 22 years in the industry”, citing market movements, new client enquiries, changes to client interactions due to COVID-19 and the ever-changing landscape of the advice industry as contributing factors.

List newcomer, Kellie Davidson, credits her father and her fantastic Year 11 economics teacher with her decision to become a financial planner – a decision she’s pleased about to this day.

“The highlight for me is building lasting relationships with clients. Often, you are more than a financial adviser. You’re a counsellor, a sounding board and trusted confidant,” Kellie said.

To view the full list of advisers, click here.

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