Pitcher Partners is pleased to present our Deal Pulse “Don’t Stop Me Now” report on Queensland merger and acquisition (M&A) activity for the calendar year 2021.
Queensland M&A accelerated from the COVID-19 induced slowdown, blowing past historics to record levels:
- Volumes – 337 deals (up 28% on 2020’s); and
- Values – $44.3bn (up 342% on 2020).
Of particularly interest has been the momentum in the second half of the calendar year, which at 190 deals is the strongest six months on record. Other sector trends of note:
- The most active sector in Queensland for the third year in a row was technology, media & telecommunications with 64 deals (up 68% since 2018);
- Consumer is back after a large dip in 2020, increasing 216% to 54 deals, with fast food and craft beer transactions on the menu; and
- Leisure also returned to favour up 67% to 30 deals across smaller hotels, travel and gaming.
Queensland dealmakers, along with our consumers have indeed been “having a good time”. With 91% of Queenslanders now fully vaccinated, domestic and international borders back open, and the general mindset transitioning from pandemic to endemic, let’s hope the “don’t stop” mindset can continue for at least the next little while.
We would be pleased to discuss in more detail any questions regarding the report, or our observations on the drivers of divestment and acquisition in your sector.