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Celeste Cheung

Meet Celeste Cheung, who is every bit an expert in audit as she is hosting trivia. She began her journey with Pitcher Partners as a cadet in 2018.

Trivia host with the travel bug

Celeste Cheung embarked on her journey with Pitcher Partners Sydney as a cadet in the Business Advisory and Assurance team in 2018.

Graduating from UNSW with a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Accounting and Business Law in 2021, Celeste swiftly completed her CA studies at the end of 2022. Her passion for continuous learning and practical application of knowledge, as well as the mentoring provided by Pitcher Partners, drove her to excel in her role.

She emphasises that you don’t need to come into the cadet program knowing everything. “I joined Pitcher Partners barely knowing my debits and credits.”

Even though the cadet program was a full-time commitment, Celeste still had the chance to enjoy student life and participated in a university exchange program overseas using extended leave, which enhanced her personal and professional growth.

Over the years, Celeste has not only gained technical skills but has also become a mentor, offering guidance to new grads and cadets. She values the close community in her team, emphasising the nurturing culture that fosters progress, and she is dedicated to preserving this culture for the future.

One of Celeste’s most memorable moments to date has been her secondment experience at Baker Tilly’s Vancouver office, which broadened her horizons and allowed her to make meaningful international connections.

“I had never even heard of a secondment before starting here, and never imagined I’d get to go on one.”

The exposure to different work environments, connecting with new colleagues, and the ability to travel during and after her secondment, provided Celeste with incredible life experiences which she carries with her to work each day. She cites having an open-minded and curious attitude, plus a willingness to always have a go, as catalysts for these experiences and as being paramount for anyone starting out. Her advice to those beginning their career is, “Embrace resilience, be open to challenges and have faith in yourself.”

Beyond her professional pursuits, Celeste gets involved in firm social events, planning and hosting trivia nights for her audit peers, and has even joined a firm netball team.

During periods of leave, Celeste makes the most of her opportunities to further explore the world, with highlights being South Korea, Canada and Malaysia. Connect with her for travel tips!

At Pitcher Partners, Celeste continues to lead her way, fuelled by her passion for learning and her desire to make a meaningful impact in the accounting industry.


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