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Lirize Loots

Lirize Loots

Client Director, Sydney

Lirize is a Client Director in our Tax Advisory division with over 15 years of experience. She has experience working as a transfer pricing specialist, where she worked closely and collaboratively with the client teams across various areas of the business, to help clients proactively manage their transfer pricing risk and reporting obligations.

Lirize joined Pitcher Partners as a Client Director in October 2021 and is proud to be a part of a growing and dynamic team at Pitcher Partners. Her previous work has been in many different teams and countries.

The various jurisdictions that Lirize has worked in include Australia, the UK, the US and South Africa. She has spent time seconded into a global transfer pricing team of a large multinational. Lirize has also worked on site and closely with many functional areas during her time as a strategy consultant. This allows her to be able to understand the stakeholders who are involved, the business challenges and that transfer pricing needs to be managed within a much larger, complex environment.

Lirize has experience engaging with the ATO across a range of areas, including country by country reporting, advanced pricing arrangements, audits and top 100 and 1000 reviews. She has helped clients review the risk outcomes of their international related party dealings against the ATO frameworks (e.g. practical compliance guidelines) and assess their transfer pricing positions.

Lirize is passionate about helping clients and believes this includes being responsive, pragmatic, easy to work with and making a specialist area easier to navigate.

Qualifications and memberships

  • Professional Qualifications and Memberships
  • Master of Business Administration


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