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Women at Pitcher Partners

In a professional services firm such as Pitcher Partners, you can experience a diverse range of career pathways. Here, you can read the stories of our talented women and why they chose to grow their career at Pitcher Partners.
Tahlia Dunlop: Senior manager creating a balanced career

Starting as a graduate and working her way up to senior manager, Tahlia Dunlop has built an impressive career in risk and internal audit. Working for a firm that values flexibility and leads with a culture of care has been critical to her supporting professional success. 

You can read Tahlia’s career story here.

Juliana Kee: From cadet to senior manager by delivering on promises

12 years ago, Juliana Kee started as a cadet at Pitcher Partners Sydney.

Today, she is a senior manager in the Tax Advisory Group where she combines her love of commerce with her interest in law to get the best result for her clients.

You can read Juliana’s career story here.

Tracey Norris: Nurturing the careers of working mums

Tracey Norris has been paving the way for working parents for over 15 years, starting when she was the first female to take parental leave from Pitcher Partners Brisbane.

Now, she is a client director, recruits part-time working parents and has found a way to nurture the careers of working women while providing the highest level of service and care for her clients.

You can read Tracey’s career story here.

Liesl Malcolm: Combining motherhood and a successful corporate career

Too often the phrases ‘corporate career’ and ‘young children’ are like oil and water; they just don’t mix well. But, for Liesl Malcolm and Pitcher Partners Melbourne, the reality is, thankfully, very much against this norm.

You can read Liesl’s career story here.

Linda Oliver: Taking on opportunities and caring for people at work

Linda has spent 18 years at Pitcher Partners Newcastle and Hunter and the firm has offered her an abundance of opportunities that have shaped her career. Now, as client director, Linda focuses on putting people first – in every situation.

You can read Linda’s career story here

Lisa Tsoulakis: Learning to ask for what you want at work

Working in her family’s business as a teenager means it’s no surprise Lisa chose a career as an accountant and business advisor. Today, she is a client director at Pitcher Partners Adelaide and got there by caring for her team and clients, and asking for what she wants.

You can read Lisa’s career story here.

Adrien Hourigan: Owning her career through every opportunity

From graduate to assistant manager, Adrien has always been one to seize an opportunity. The broad range of opportunities she has experienced through her career at Pitcher Partners Melbourne has set her on the path to discovering her leadership potential.

You can read Adrien’s career story here.

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